The institute specializes in training pedagogical staff. It prepares teachers, psychologists, and other educational specialists at the bachelor's and master's levels in various fields of education. Located in Bukhara, this higher education institution is equipped with modern educational technologies and research capabilities, focusing on organizing the educational process using quality and innovative methods.
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The number of students at Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute is increasing year by year. Currently, tens of thousands of students are studying in various fields at the institute. Most of them study in the daytime division, but many students are also enrolled in external and evening education formats. Every year, thousands of applicants submit their documents to enter the institute, and only those who score the highest are accepted as students. Additionally, nearly half of the students are girls, and equal opportunities are provided for them in the educational process.
1-bosqich talabalari
Universitetimiz iqtidorli talabalarining yutuqlari va muvaffaqiyatlari biz uchun faxr manbai hisoblanadi. Ular o‘zining bilimga bo‘lgan ishtiyoqi, ijodiy fikrlashi va tashabbuskorligi bilan ajralib turadi. Har yili talabalarimiz xalqaro va milliy miqyosdagi olimpiadalar, tanlovlar hamda ilmiy konferensiyalarda ishtirok etib, yuqori natijalarga erishmoqda. Iqtidorli talabalarimiz nafaqat o‘z sohalarida chuqur bilimga ega bo‘lib, balki sport, san’at va boshqa yo‘nalishlarda ham o‘z mahoratlarini namoyish qilishmoqda. Universitetda ular uchun maxsus dasturlar, ilmiy loyihalar va qo‘shimcha qo‘llab-quvvatlov tizimlari yo‘lga qo‘yilgan. Kelajakda ushbu yoshlar o‘z kasbiy yo‘nalishlarida yetakchi mutaxassislar bo‘lib, mamlakatimiz ravnaqi uchun ulkan hissa qo‘shishiga ishonamiz.